Dallas United for Good group helping with small housing repairs for North Texas seniors

They started Dallas United for Good to help meet residents’ needs. One of their programs called T.A.R.P. stands for "Tackling A Real Problem."

The group provides minor home repairs for seniors. The crew didn’t know the South Dallas woman's home they worked on Friday, but they saw the need for repairs. 

“It seems to be like a dip inside the roof or something probably was disconnected and it’s causing a leak inside the house. I see there's a lot of missing shingles,” said Eddington.

“At the end of the day as a human, we need shelter. If your shelter is broken, then that is a huge issue,” said Tori Pipkin, Dallas United for Good Director.

The group said there are several reasons as to why many seniors’ homes need repair. 

“A lot of seniors are experiencing roofing problems and not necessarily having the finances or the insurance or even the paperwork to get help,” said Eddington.

He said when they turn to the city for help the process can sometimes take a long time.  


To Watch the full interview with WFAA visit the link below


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